Our first beautiful golden is Katie Bear. She is 75 pounds and is AKC certified. She is known for her patience with kids, her exercise endurance, and her sweetness to animals. Kate has run a half-marathon!
We are working towards earning her Canine Good Citizen title. Kate is gentle with chickens, rabbits, and cats. She loves a good walk or a run, and gets excited when she sees me put on my active wear! She loves swimming and would be so happy to play fetch all day long.
Max Power is an AKC certified, golden retriever. He is 65 pounds. He is known for his mellow attitude, and his working temperament. He loves attention from anyone who will give it to him! Max wants to retrieve and to play with anything that moves. He learns tricks very quickly, and is a dog who will get along with any other dog. As soon as Covid precautions are lifted, Max will be earning his therapy dog certification!
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